Monday, September 10, 2012

Autumn Pumpkin (Food Impulse)

Pumpkin Muffins
"Perfect for all throughout autumn. The pumpkin and the muffin, a perfect match."
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread
"Surprisingly perfect combination. The pumpkin and chocolate compliment each other."

Honestly, I used to greatly dislike everything pumpkin. From the original Thanksgiving pie all the way to the pumpkin itself... well, except carving on halloween. That was always fun.

I guess as I grew, my taste buds flourished and craved for more flavors. These two recipes for pumpkin bread are something I want to make someday.

Don't forget to add your own twist if you have one. Make it your own.

Friday, August 31, 2012


To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.

~The Matrix

Impulses can be good, can be bad or can just be 'there.'

Have you ever felt that you just need to sprint down the street or even take a bag and start traveling?

I have. The second one, I plan to do when I'm older. Just grab a bag with toiletries, my wallet, couple changes of clothes, a couple other needy things and go to random places.


It has a different meaning for every person.

  1. An Influence
  2. An Involuntary Action
  3. Instincts
  4. A Force that Propels You
  5. A Psychic Drive

Each meaning can have a good or bad outcome, with good or bad intentions.

I stick to the good, hopefully you do too...

We don't have impulses because we are human. We are human because we have impulses.
Try to blot it out, scrub
                it out, rip it out of my
brain completely.
                But you can't forget
something like that,
                No matter how much you

drink, snort, or shoot into
                your veins. The memory
stalks you forever and
                creeps up to maul you
like a rabid dog, when
                you least expect it.

Like now.

~Ellen Hopkins